
You can showcase a Streamtape video elegantly and responsively in your video posts using a dynamic shortcode.

WPStape enhances your embedding experience with an advanced shortcode system that encapsulates a video iframe within an image on any post or page.

You can access and customize the shortcode directly from the video post edit screen, along with a shortcode generator for on-the-fly adjustments:

WPStape Dynamic Shortcode

The [wpstape] shortcode includes several attributes such as id, image, and download, offering flexible implementations as detailed below:

Basic Usage

Default Usage: Automatically applies the video settings and featured image of the current post.


Using the id Attribute

Specific Post ID: Target a specific post’s video and image metadata by specifying its ID.

[wpstape id="123"]

Custom File ID: Utilize a unique identifier from the wpstape_video_info_file_id meta box to retrieve video data.

[wpstape id="custom_identifier"]

Using the image Attribute

Feature a Post’s Image: Use the featured image of the designated or current post.

[wpstape image="featured"]

Splash Image/Thumbnail: Show an image from the wpstape_video_info_thumbnail meta field.

[wpstape image="thumbnail"]

Custom Image URL: Input a specific image URL to use as the video background.

[wpstape image=""]

Combined Attributes

Unique Code with Custom Image: Combine a unique identifier with a custom image URL for fully personalized setups.

[wpstape id="unique_code" image=""]

Usage Notes

  • Adaptability: Mix and match attributes to fit your content needs, ensuring all necessary meta fields and settings are configured in WordPress.
  • Personalization: The shortcode supports extensive customization options, enabling you to present videos with diverse backgrounds on posts, pages, or custom types.

These guidelines provide a broad spectrum of uses for the shortcode, empowering you to dynamically tailor video presentations on your WordPress site with various images and download options.

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