
We don’t provide any JAV videos, but WPJav facilitates you with the subtitle functionalities to help you store your own JAV subtitles on your site without relying to third-party hosts.

With this feature, you can create the subtitle directories on your site to save the subtitles. You can also select the language. And, you can upload your subtitles then group them based on languages. You also can see the uploaded subtitles.

Important Note

Be careful with uploading subtitle file. For security reasons, only .vtt and .srt file extensions are allowed. Once you upload a subtitle file and want to remove or edit it, you will have to do it manually via File Manager, FTP or SSH terminal.

So make sure your subtitle file is ready every time you want to upload it into your website.

Let’s explore this feature one by one.

Subtitle Settings

Under this tab, you can generate subtitle file directories on your website where the subtitles will be saved later. By default, it will be inside the /your-site-directory/wp-content/uploads/subtitles/ and will be grouped into language names.

Automatically Generate Subtitle Files Directory

WPJav Subtitle Files Directory Generator

Make sure that the /your-site-directory/wp-content/uploads/ directory is writable. WPJav will detect whether it’s writable or not. If it is, then it will show Writable notice. Otherwise, you will need to make the /your-site-directory/wp-content/uploads/ directory writable by using the File Permissions instructions here.

Once it’s writable, then just click the red Generate Subtitle Directories button. WPJav plugin will automatically generate the subtitles directory for you, along with language directories.

Select Languages

WPJav Core Select Languages for Subtitles

You can also select the languages in which you want the subtitles to be. Just check the languages you want to use later, then click the Save Changes button.

The languages you select will be used to be language selection dropdown when you want to upload a subtitle. The selected languages will also be used for grouping the uploaded subtitles.

Upload Subtitle

WPJav Core Upload Subtitle

Under this tab, you can upload as many subtitles as you want. For security reasons, only .vtt and .srt file extensions are allowed.

Here’s the breakdown:

  • File Name: You can define the file name here. We recommend to name the subtitle file with the JAV video code for making it easy for you to identify this subtitle later.
  • Upload File: Select the subtitle file you want to upload, make sure it has .vtt or .srt file extension.
  • Language: Select the language of this subtitle file from the dropdown. The language dropdown only contains the languages you previously selected.

After all done, just click the red Upload Subtitle button. WPJav Core will upload the file into the previously generated subtitle directory, grouped by language directory.

Uploaded Subtitles

WPJav Core Uploaded Subtitles

Under this tab, you can see all your uploaded subtitles, categorized by languages. To help you find the uploaded subtitles, we also provide a search feature.

You can reuse the list of these subtitles later anywhere on your site, especially when embedding a video that needs a subtitle.

Working with JAV Subtitles Using WPJav

Since WPJav provides the ability to upload and use your own subtitle files, this will reduce your dependency on third-party sources.

Each uploaded subtitle will have their own URL automatically, so you can use the URL with your video without having to do extra effort.

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